A No Service Cremation is a cremation without a ceremony where no mourners attend. The funeral director will arrange to take your loved one to the crematorium. We will arrange for your loved ones cremated remains to be returned to you.
Six people can be seated in a limousine.
Yes, the family can carry the coffin. We would suggest 4 or 6 people preferably of similar heights. We would suggest a practise carry prior to the funeral.
We can provide name takers who will list all attendees at the funeral. Alternatively, we can provide attendance cards for mourners to write their names on.
The funeral director will guide you from the moment they meet with you on the day of the funeral, right through to the time they leave you at the end of the service or your chosen refreshment venue.
Yes, members of the family or friends can take part by reading the eulogy, poems, a special message or even singing a song or play a musical instrument if they wish.
When the relevant paperwork has been completed we can then prepare your loved one for you and your family to visit in our Chapel of Rest
Children of any age can attend a service. It can be helpful to explain to the child what to expect. They may have questions before and after the funeral has taken place and answering these honestly will help them adjust to the situation.
Yes, we can bring your loved one home either on the evening before the service or on the morning of the service, so the deceased can leave from home.